El mes pasado, desde el 10 al 16 de abril, recibimos en nuestro centro a los alumnos finlandeses del instituto Pikkolan Koulu con los que algunos de nuestros alumnos de 1º Bachillerato están participando en un intercambio escolar.

Acompañados de dos de sus profesoras, los alumnos finlandeses han vivido durante una semana en casa de nuestros alumnos y han participado en diversas actividades educativas, culturales y de tiempo libre en el IES Trevenque y fuera del centro.

A modo de resumen, la alumna Alicia Elvira Moral, de 1º Bachillerato C y participante en el intercambio, ha elaborado el siguiente vídeo.


Last month, from the 10th to the 16th of April, the Finnish students from Pikkolan Koulu with whom our students from 1º Bachillerato are taking part in a school exchange have visited us.

With two of their teachers, they have lived for a week at our students’ place and they have participated in several educative, cultural and free-time activities in the school and outside.

As a summary, the student Alicia Elvira Moral, from 1º Bachillerato C and one of those students involved in the exchange, has made the following video.