Archivo de la categoría: Erasmus+

The First Virtual Activity: Emotions are Online /27.02.24

With this virtual activity, our students and teachers had the first interaction with our international partners in an online meeting. In the online meeting, our participating students introduced their schools and have an idea about other partners. In addition, before the activity, our students were able to visualize their emotions schematically by using the mind… Leer más »

Supporting Inclusive Education By Social and Emotional Learning(SIESEL) / January 2023- June 2025

This project, funded by the European Commission under Erasmus+ Programme – KA210SCH Small Scale Partnerships in School Education and developed by 4 educational European institutions (Szkoła Podstawowa nr 2 w Sianowie- Poland, VsI «Edukateka» – Lithuania, Hamza Yerlikaya Ortaokulu / Turkey, IES Trevenque-Spain), aims to create, design and share good practices to enable more inclusive… Leer más »