Supporting Inclusive Education By Social and Emotional Learning(SIESEL) / January 2023- June 2025

por | 20 marzo, 2024

This project, funded by the European Commission under Erasmus+ Programme – KA210SCH Small Scale Partnerships in School Education and developed by 4 educational European institutions (Szkoła Podstawowa nr 2 w Sianowie- Poland, VsI «Edukateka» – Lithuania, Hamza Yerlikaya Ortaokulu / Turkey, IES Trevenque-Spain), aims to create, design and share good practices to enable more inclusive education (both formal and informal) through the development of social and emotional competences, based on the sub-skills.
By increasing the quality of inclusive education, opportunities and gender equality in our schools will be strengthened. It will also help reduce negative situations such as peer bullying, early school leaving, and social exclusion.
In this context, SEL activities, strategies and approaches that can be applied in the classroom and throughout the school will be collected in an E-Book and will be published free of charge for the use and benefit of other schools and education centres.

the official website:
SIESEL Erasmus+ Project (